

金耳朵英语国际版 AI 学习机 T9





这是一款面向家庭国际学校的学习机,是教师和家长(家庭学校的教师)的教学工具。系统内置了众多优质的教学资源供老师们在教学中使用,其中多数APP 的账号应注册为教师账号。如推荐您的学生使用这些App,应当鼓励他们使用正式付费版本。

金耳朵英语国际版 AI 学习机面向全球市场,但极个别内容可能会因当地的网络状况以及法律法规的限制而无法使用,或需要VPN服务。



金耳朵和 KeenEar 商标以及金耳朵英语 App 内的所有资源版权,和 K12 模块和幼儿模块的版权,均归深圳市铭师堂教育科技有限公司和资源开发方所有。学习机内的其他第三方,包括但不限于 RosettaStoneKhanEpicPBSStarfallTEDSuper Simple Songs 等等的商标及其资源版权归各自所属公司所有。

KeenEar RosettaStone 的授权合作方,KeenEar Powered by RosettaStone RosettaStone 官方许可使用。


1.    激活设备:

请连接稳定的无线 WIFI 网络(并非手机热点分享),然后输入手机激活码来激活本产品。

2.    默认密码:

系统设置中的默认密码是 1234,家长可自行进行修改。

3.    获取说明书和更多帮助:

关注金耳朵英语公众号,或者在本学习机主界面点击金耳朵英语科学阅读+AI 赋能进入网站,可下载学习机中的App升级补丁和扩展应用。

4.    输入金耳朵英语 App VIP 码:

点击底部 7 个灰色小圆点中的第二个,进入主界面走冠军之路,点击中间的 KEENEAR(小狐狸)图标,输入手机号和验证码进入,再点击右上方的设置图标,刮开金耳朵英语 VIP 兑换码涂层,输入 8 VIP 码。若要分享课文或递交作业,需自行在系统中安装微信App,安装完成后分享图标会自动在课文中显示。

5.    退出 App


6.    使用 AI 机器人:

点击右上方的“AI 机器人” 进入,点底部的发现,搜索智能体金耳朵英语,进入后可以与金耳朵英语AI 交流任何您感兴趣的话题,特别是英语学习方面的问题。请您务必向AI咨询,如何用好金耳朵,如何落实“科学阅读”5大要素。您还能够点击右上角的打电话按钮,让智能体在后台与您交流。您在前台打开其他App学习任何课程时,都可以让AI助手为您提供帮助。

7.    使用Super Simple Songs

点击走冠军之路页面左侧中间的小汽车,打开任意一首歌曲,右侧有歌词和乐谱,左侧有视频。由于视频的播放依赖 Youtube 平台,某些地区可能无法打开,可尝试使用网络加速器。

8.    RosettaStone RSF Gold 真人外教课登录:


9.    关于付费软件:

RosettaStone 美国真人外教课是本学习机中唯一需要单独购买的模块;金耳朵英语 VIP 卡已附赠,过期后可免费听读所有课文,但无法交作业;IXL 每天可免费使用 10 分钟,也能够以教师身份按月循环注册免费使用;Ultimate Phonics 可永久免费使用前 20 课,掌握基础方法即可。其他所有模块均可永久免费使用。

10.KeenEar 外教微课:


11.登录 Khan Academy Kids

打开 App,依次点击 At School→Student→ Enter Class Code 框中输入金耳朵班级代码CQ8JB5(字母须大写) Continue→点第一行 KeenEar’s SETAM English Academy→选择孩子的年龄(通常为学习英语的年龄)即可。

12.登录 Epic

点击底部 7 个灰色小圆点中的第三个,进入科学阅读界面,点击左上角的 Epic 图标,在欢迎界面点 I’m an Educator→Class Code→输入金耳朵代码 CGK5468→Go! →点右上角教师登录(Teacher Login输入密码 111111→ My Library→ COLLECTIONS→向下滑动,找到适合自身的级别。特别说明:打开 Epic 速度较慢,可能需要依赖加速器

13.   免费获取Epic教师账号:



点击底部 7 个灰色小圆点中的第四个,进入用英语学习模块,点击右下角的英语动画进入,在欢迎页面点 I’M A PARENT→验证年龄 CONFIRM MY AGE→输入 1980→WATCH NOW 即可。或者创建一个账号,下次可使用此账号登录。


点击底部 7 个灰色小圆点中的第七个,进入“我的应用”,打开欧路词典账号跨软件取词显示浮动取词图标。该功能可翻译任意界面出现的外文。











21.   进入我的应用和安卓系统:


22.   官方支持网站:


KeenEar AI Learning Machine T9

Quick Operating Guide


l   Before using, please be sure to read the product manual and this guide carefully.


l   This is a learning machine for family international schools and is a teaching tool for teachers and parents (teachers of homeschooling). The system has built-in many high-quality teaching resources for teachers to use in teaching. Most of the APP accounts should be registered as teacher accounts. If you recommend your students to use these apps, they should be encouraged to use the paid version.

l   The KeenEar English International Edition AI Learning Machine is for the global market, but very few contents may not be available due to local network conditions and legal regulations.

l   This learning machine is a fully functional native Android tablet. Although access restrictions are set in the core section, users can still access any network resources when the network environment permits. KeenEar cannot guarantee that the information accessed by users other than the resources of the learning machine itself is safe and reliable.

l   Parents and teachers are directly responsible for their own or their children's network access behavior.

l   The trademarks of KeenEar and KeenEar and the copyrights of all resources in the KeenEar English App, and the copyrights of the K12 module and the preschool module, are all owned by Shenzhen Mingshitang Education Technology Co., Ltd. and the resource developers. The trademarks and resource copyrights of other third parties in the learning machine, including but not limited to RosettaStone, Khan, Epic, PBS, Starfall, TED, Super Simple Songs, etc., belong to their respective companies.

l   KeenEar is an authorized partner of RosettaStone, and KeenEar Powered by RosettaStone is officially licensed by RosettaStone.

Quick Operating Guide

1.    Activate the device: Please connect to a stable wireless WIFI network (not a mobile phone hotspot sharing), and then enter the mobile phone activation code to activate this product.

2.    The default password in the system settings is 1234, and parents can modify it by themselves.

3.    Obtain the manual and other help: Follow the "KeenEar English" public account or click "KeenEar English Scientific Reading + AI Empowerment" on the main interface of this learning machine to enter the website to download App upgrade patches and extended applications in the learning machine.

4.    Enter the KeenEar English App VIP code: Click the second of the 7 gray dots at the bottom, enter the main interface "The Road to Champions", click the KEENEAR (little fox) icon in the middle, enter the mobile phone number and verification code to enter, then click the settings icon on the upper right, scrape off the KeenEar English VIP redemption code coating, and enter the 8-digit VIP code. If you want to share the text or submit homework, you need to install the WeChat App in the system by yourself. After the installation is completed, the sharing icon will automatically appear in the text.

5.    Exit the App: Slide up from the bottom of the screen, ►●︎ appears, click the circular ● to exit, click the triangle ► to return, and click the square ︎ to clear the background App.

6.    Use the AI robot: Click the "AI robot" on the upper right, click Discover at the bottom, search for the intelligent agent "KeenEar English", and you can communicate with the KeenEar English AI on any topic you are interested in after entering, especially questions about English learning. You can also click the call button on the upper right to let the intelligent agent communicate with you in the background. When you open other Apps in the foreground to study any course, you can ask the AI assistant to help you.

7.    Super Simple Songs: Click the little car in the middle on the left side of the "The Road to Champions" page, open any song, there are lyrics and sheet music on the right, and there is a video on the left. Since the playback of the video relies on the Youtube platform, it may not be opened in some areas. You can try to use a network accelerator.

8.    RosettaStone RSF Gold Live Tutoring Login: This module is an annual unlimited number of live tutoring group lessons with real European and American teachers, and an account needs to be purchased separately.

9.    The RosettaStone American Live Tutoring course is the only module in this learning machine that needs to be purchased separately; the KeenEar English VIP card has been included. After expiration, all texts can be listened to and read for free, but homework cannot be submitted; IXL can be used for free for 10 minutes per day, and it can also be registered for free monthly as a teacher; Ultimate Phonics can be used for free for the first 20 lessons, and it is enough to master the basic methods. All other modules can be used for free permanently.

10.KeenEar Foreign Teacher Micro-class: This module contains the recorded classes and graded children's songs of foreign teachers of KeenEar. Please download the videos in advance. It is recommended to use wireless projection to the TV.

11.Log in to Khan Academy Kids: Open the App, click At School → Student → Enter the KeenEar class code CQ8JB5 (letters must be capitalized) in the Enter Class Code box → Click Continue → Click the first line KeenEar’s SETAM English Academy → Select the child's age (usually the age of learning English).

12.Log in to Epic: Click the third of the 7 gray dots at the bottom, enter the "Scientific Reading" interface, click the Epic icon on the upper left, click I’m an Educator in the welcome interface → Class Code → Enter the KeenEar code CGK5468 → Go! → Click Teacher Login on the upper right → Enter the password 111111 → Click My Library → Click COLLECTIONS → Scroll down to find the level that suits you. Special note: It is slow to open Epic and may need to rely on an accelerator (VPN).

13.Get the Epic teacher account for free: Please add the customer service teacher's WeChat 13534061865, provide your phone number, and ask for an independent teacher account for free. The default account is: Your phone number@139.com, and the password is 6 ones.

14.Log in to the English Animation Library: Click the fourth of the 7 gray dots at the bottom, enter the "Learn in English" module, click the English animation in the lower right corner to enter, click I’M A PARENT on the welcome page → CONFIRM MY AGE → Enter 1980 → WATCH NOW. Or create an account and log in with this account next time.

15.Use the screen translation: Click the seventh of the 7 gray dots at the bottom, enter "My Applications", open EuroPath Dictionary → Account → Cross-software Word Fetching → Show the floating word fetching icon. This function can translate foreign languages that appear on any interface.

16.Add extended applications such as ChatGPT: You can enter the KeenEar website on the "The Road to Champions" page of the learning machine homepage, and scroll down to the "KeenEar Learning Machine Patch Download" to download and install.

17.Use of the Smart Eye: Slide to the first screen on the right of the KeenEar main interface, or click the first of the seven small dots at the bottom of the screen to enter this function interface, tear off the protective film of the Smart Eye lens, hang the lens above the camera of the learning machine, click anywhere on the screen, and then put the textbook under the lens to use. The Smart Eye supports point-reading KeenEar English picture books, school textbooks, and nearly 60,000 children's picture books from major publishers.

18.Enter school homework learning: Click the K12 icon in the upper right corner of the screen to enter the AI Precision Learning System. This system covers almost all K12 school courses.

19.Enter the preschool early education system: Click the Pre-K icon in the upper right corner of the main interface to enter the preschool early education system. This system provides rich content for early childhood education.

20.Project the learning machine to a large screen (wireless projection method): Connect the projection device (TV or classroom large screen) and this learning machine to the same network account → Slide down from the top of the screen → Select "Screen Projection" → Settings → Three dots in the upper right corner → Enable Wireless Display → Automatically search for projectable devices → Click the searched device.

21.Enter My Applications and the Android system: Click the seventh of the seven small dots at the bottom of the screen, enter the application management, click My Applications, where you can add extended applications installed by the user. Or click the upper right corner to enter the native Android system.

22.Official support website: www.keenear.net; Official public account and video account: KeenEar English; Official customer service: 0755-36972377 or 13534061865 Ms. Liao.
